Contextual advertising for Sun Residence Group
What we did
To increase the number of targeted applications from contextual advertising. The client appealed to us with the problem of the small number of applications due to their high price. The main application flaw was from the YouTube channel and Yandex.Dzen. The client believed there was something wrong with contextual targeting and that it could be improved. There was an option to distribute the budget between YouTube and Yandex.Dzen but this option was in the last resort as there was a long way of the applications from these platforms to sales.
We distinguished several directions ranking from the most profitable to the least ones. We segmented the audience according to their location and launched the campaign. At first, the traffic led to the property developer website. The website is very modern, adaptive, and logical and had wonderful pictures but that didn’t work. We chose another way. We created a well thought out quiz with accurate questions about construction, optimized the campaigns and tested creative parts.
Thanks to the creative approach and hypotheses testing within 19 days we got 96 leads at the price of 9 US dollars.