SEO for the online shop of SUP equipment in Russia
What we did
Doubling the online shop sales.
Increase in brand awareness.
Getting into the TOP 3 for the main commercial requests.
– We had been increasing the link juice of pages monthly using links from thematic and news sites.
– We worked at commercial factors.
– We carried out the full audit of the website and fixed some bugs because of technical parameters, links and content.
– We formed the full semantic core of the project, carried out the prioritization according to the requests and predictive analytics.
– We doubled the speed of the website.
– We introduced SILO structure of the site.
– We worked on geolinks of the website.
– We worked on the company's reviews in search results. We created pages for all types of requests (high-frequency, low-frequency, commercial, and informational ones). We worked out behavioral factors (hypothesis usability) so that the site had the same numerical indicators as competitors or higher.
Compared to 2019, the traffic multiplied by 10 times, sales multiplied by 6 times, the client has become an industry leader.